DCPUK is a non governmental, local, non political, non profit, humanitarian and voluntary development organization established in 1981 and since inception it has been serving the disadvantaged poor and ultra men,women and children in near about 10 nos. Upazila under Rangpur, Gaibandha, Nilphamari Districts through diversified program initiatives, Considering the development perspective of the rural society such as Poverty, Hunger, Diseases, Environmental pollution and degradation, Social discrimination, Violation of human rights and poor governance it has implemented a series of initiatives and addressed the problems with considerable achievements. During the period of the time due to its development efforts, sincerity, commitments and accountability to the development, it has attained a high-level accountability and positive image among all level stakeholders. As DCPUK was strict to the commitment in bringing positive change in the lives of the through undertaking need based sustainable initiatives.
It can be mentioned here that during the period of time, it has achieved diversified experience, skills and strengths which is really helping DCPUK to achieve the desired impact. Again, for the excellence of development endeavor and due to its sincere development efforts it has become able to attain a high level acceptability, dignity and image among the community people which includes men, women and children, civil society members, community leaders and Local Government.
Furthermore, during this period of time DCPUK has become able to attain some competencies related to program management, institutional capacity and financial management. In describing the program strength it is worth to mention here that at present, DCPUK has been operating 05 number of different Projects and working with 54,496 project participants in 10 nos Upazilla from 3 Districts by the donors and the community, Again, DCPUK has developed necessary policy and procedures for transforming the organization as a strong institution, The organization has developed its own financial manual to operate different program. In addition, it has developed its own Personnel Manual (personnel policy and procedure), to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. DCPUK has also a savings and credit program operation manual and a gander policy. Most of the programs of DCPUK are operating following a specific guideline in order to make the performance systematic and effective. The Executive body of DCPUK comprised of different professionals, which enrich the strength of this organization. The organization has a strong liaison with different Govt, counterparts, donors, other stakeholders and the community. DCPUK strongly believes in empowering the targeted, population in order to access to services and opportunities and thus to change the quality of life. EC committee regularly meeting seminar and generate reports and make sure of transparent program and policies for the welfare of this organization. In addition to that DCPUK possess sound and transparent financial system to operate 05 numbers of projects around Rangpur, Gaibandha & Nilphamari Districts. The project has computerized accounting packages; professional financial mangers are in place, generate monthly and quarterly reports and submits to donors. A procurement committee and a recruitment committee is in place to oversee the financial transaction and smooth functioning of different project. Certain personals are authorized to operate the bank accounts, which is endorsed by the EC committee of DCPUK.
DCPUK believes in the participatory development process. It has perceived that the equal development of society can only be ensured by participation of the rural poor women and in the overall development activities. In the light of this belief, DCPUK ensuring the participation of all level people in the development process.